Con artists are a notoriously skeptical bunch, and Dennis Gufehautt is no exception. His scheme of masquerading as a paranormal investigator seems foolproof, until he encounters an actual ghost haunting an antique armchair.

Now, having unwittingly become a witness to a decades-old murder, Dennis finds himself stumbling headfirst into bizarre and often hilarious situations as he tries to solve a legitimate paranormal mystery.

Pursued by an overzealous private detective and driven to befriend a cast of memorable characters - from a perpetually-smoking matron to a charismatic charlatan who masquerades as an African shaman - Dennis works to exorcise the haunted furniture and return his life to a state of moderate normality.

Easier said than done.

A con artist’s worst fear is finding out that he’s been played, and Dennis Gufehautt has only begun to discover just how absurd a nightmare it can be...

"... With equal parts intrigue and hilarity, Nearly Departed is a slice of entertainment that kept my face aglow with backlight long past my bedtime."
- Literatrix

"Thank you for asking, but unfortunately I do not have time to provide you with a blurb."
- Christopher Moore
(Author, "A Dirty Job")

Nearly Departed is currently seeking representation for print publication, and the author welcomes inquiries from interested literary agents. For more information, please visit the Contact section of this website.
Copyright © 2012